from two to seven

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Wow... somehow, it is felt so unbelieveable...
Kakakku, my only one brother, have been married...
Amazing menurutku. Antara sadar dan gag sadar. Aku masih berpikir, he's too young to be husband. He's only 23. Mas ibaLL baru 23 taun..,, How amazing is that, bahwa kakak laki-lakiku satu-satunya yang belum genap 24 udah menikah. Is it real?
Oke, well,, sedikit gag percaya memang, kadang aku bahkan sampai membandingkan sama diriku sendiri, just to make me believe that it is real. Tapi kadang itu malah membuat lebih unreal. Pertanyaanku adalah, is he mature enough? Cause I'm not, yet. Has he?

Aduuuh, ya Allah... mas kuuu,,, mas kuuuu... hmm.,,

Padahal jarak umur kami deket bangeett...

Namanya mba Shanaz. Tahun kelahirannya sama kayak mas ibaLL. Dan ulang tahunnya, pas sehari sebelum nikah. Kalo dipikir-pikir lagi, so sweet juga ya,, lebih hemat juga di party nya ;p
Sekarang, sodaraku jadi tujuh. Dari dua jadi tujuh, another wow! Dan ade'ku nambah jadi 3. From zero to three, just another wow! Well, emang adekknya mba Shanaz ada empat, yang tiga lebih muda dari aku. Dan, meskipun itu berarti keluarga jauh, biar gimana keluarganya mas ibaLL adalah keluargaku jugak.

Sempet sebel sih pas hari-H nya. Soalnya aku gag bisa menyaksikan semuanya secara langsung. Aku gag ikut pas mas ibaLL dateng dan ngasi seserahan ke keluarganya mba'ku. Dan itu karna aku didandani terakhir, dan gag ada yang nelpon aku ngasi tau acaranya udah mulai. Sebel bangettt!!!! :( Itu kan mas ku satu-satunya., dan dia hanya akan (dan hanya boleh) nikah sekali. Menurutku lo ya, acara pernikahan mereka is a little hectic in a calm. Sesuatu yang direncanakan kurang baik, berjalan agak nanggung, but everybody is oke with it. Biar gimana, semua berakhir baik. Alhamdulillaaaah... :)

Bisa jadi pelajaran buat aku nih, pas nyiapin nikahan nanti. Uwaaaa... jadi pengeeeeennn >_<
Perasaan, hampir semua orang tanya, mba Lia kapan? Habis ini gilirannya mba Lia. Owch! Padahal aku baru niat nyari nih, errr.... -.- *smoga ndang dapet kalo gitu, hahah ;p
Nanti kalo nikah, kayaknya enak kalo ada acara gathering antara dua keluarga besar satu hari sebelumnya. Tapi akad nikah dan resepsinya, enak kayak mas ibaLL gitu deh, langsung. Dan, ngundang sedikit orang is oke, asal makanannya enak :D *Hadu, kok jadi mikir gitu sih hahaaa, gapapa deh, nyicil persiapan dari sekarang ;p

And, I want to share some of the wedding photo :D

sama ade' baruu

Happy couple :D

happy couple :D

My Kind of Perfect

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This song is written and sang by David Archuleta, and the piano arrangement was adapted from I34runita video. It may not so good, particularly because it's my first time where I singing while playing piano. Otherwise, I just loovee the quality of the video whereas it was recorded with pocket cam, it is sooo good actually (they don't lie bout the HD video tool \ ^o^ /). David said that this song was his love song. And when I heard it,, yaay..,, >_<  I just thought that this song also reflects me. Here I quote his speech (change the 'she' into 'he' :p), which's also my feeling right now..,

My kind of perfect is kinda like my love song. This song is about what a lot of people ask, 'what do you look for in a boy?'
The song is about what and who the person are gonna be in, what kind of things I am looking for in a boy. Even though I haven't really met that person, whoever he is, I can wonder what he's gonna be like.
This song is about just the way in searching for my kind of perfect.
It's a really special song to me.


I was thinking about you..
I drew a little picture..
But some things you can't put on paper..
Like you like shooting stars..
Or write songs on guitar..
Got more things to do than stare at a mirror..

And I know he's gotta be out there,,
I know he's gotta be..

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right,,
Maybe I just let you walk by..
What can I say?
Maybe I've known you all my life..
Is he the one? 
Is it today?
Will I turn the corner,,
See my future in a beautiful face..

He's anything but typical..
A sweet surprise..
No matter what he's looking at the bright side..
It's gonna be worth it..
Cause that's what love is..
I'll keep searching for my kind of perfect..

They say,,
Give it time and it will fall in line..
But I keep wondering how and when and why I haven't met you..

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right,,
Maybe I just let you walk by..
What can I say?
Maybe I've known you all my life..
Is he the one? 
Is it today?
Will I turn the corner,,
See my future in a beautiful face..

I'll keep searching for my kind of perfect...

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