For No Reason

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I want to be loved for no reason…
Neither because I’m pretty…
Nor because I’m clever…
Neither because I’m freak…
Nor because I’m noisy…
And also…
Not just because I’m old enough to feel love…

I know there’s somebody…
There’s a heart that belongs to my heart…
I know that there’s time when we’ll meet…
We’ll share our past and future…
Understand each other…
Throw away self conceitness…

When we meet…
I want you to feel my heart beat…

When we meet…
I want you to go along my vein…

When we meet…
I want you to be the impulses of my nerve…

When we meet…
I want you wanting me…
For no reason…

Cause I love you for no reason…
Since the very first time I saw you…
I just felt that I love you…
Neither because you’re handsome…
Nor because you’re smart…
Neither because you’re stubborn…
Nor because you’re lazy…
And also…
Not just because you’re older than me…

Feel me here, dear…
Feel me wanting you…
For no reason…

Thoughts, Feelings, and Creative Thinking

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Posting pertama..

Pinginnya sih nama blognya kayak judul postingan ini.. Somehow, terasa inspiratif gitu (at least buatku sendiri, hehe). Sayang, link-nya mesti ada unsur tu judul.. ogah deh..

Yasudahlah, akhirnya saia putuskan untuk memberi blog ini dengan nama "Leeya.woncoco" sesuai dengan inisial saia..

Pingin jadi pengangguran ah, dan banyak-banyak nulis. Inspiring diri sendiri lewat tulisan-tulisan ngawur yang nggak sengaja melintas di otak. Syukur banget kalo bisa inspiring lebih banyak orang..

Had found the real me! It's aLL about writing. How loveable..

Nggak perlu mikirin uang, karena saia masih punya kehidupan..
Nggak perlu mikirin jabatan, karena saia masih bisa tersenyum senang..
Nggak perlu mikirin target, karena saia masih perlu tidur lelap..

Well, it's just some combination of words..
However, saia kan masih manusia, masih perlu uang, perlu aktualisasi diri, perlu target, yang pasti perlu kehidupan yang menyenangkan, dan perlu tidur nyenyak..

Tambah nggak jelas gini.. waaaaccckkkk... >_<

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